ETL-Tools.Info portal provides information about different business intelligence tools and datawarehousing solutions, with a main focus on ETL process and tools. On our pages you will find both general articles with high-level information on various Business Intelligence applications and architectures, as well as technical documents, with a low-level description of the presented solutions and detailed tutorials.
A great attention is paid to the Datastage ETL tool and we provide a number of Datastage examples, Datastage tutorials, best practices and resolved problems with real-life examples.
There is also a wide range of information on a rapidly growing Open Source Business Intelligence market (OSBI), with emphasis on applications from the Pentaho BI family, including a Pentaho tutorial.
We also provide a SAS Guide with tutorial, which illustrates the vision of SAS on Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and ETL process.
We have recently added a new ETL case study (ETL course with examples) section which represents a set of business cases, each of which illustrates a typical data warehousing problem. We analyze the cases thoroughly and propose the most efficient and appropriate approach to solving that problems by showing sample ETL process designs and DW architectures.
Microsoft users may be very interested in exploring our Excel BI crosstabs section with FAQ and sample solutions.
A great attention is paid to the Datastage ETL tool and we provide a number of Datastage examples, Datastage tutorials, best practices and resolved problems with real-life examples.
There is also a wide range of information on a rapidly growing Open Source Business Intelligence market (OSBI), with emphasis on applications from the Pentaho BI family, including a Pentaho tutorial.
We also provide a SAS Guide with tutorial, which illustrates the vision of SAS on Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and ETL process.
We have recently added a new ETL case study (ETL course with examples) section which represents a set of business cases, each of which illustrates a typical data warehousing problem. We analyze the cases thoroughly and propose the most efficient and appropriate approach to solving that problems by showing sample ETL process designs and DW architectures.
Microsoft users may be very interested in exploring our Excel BI crosstabs section with FAQ and sample solutions.
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